Why Vote

Voting is one of the most important things you can do for the environment.

We understand that threats to our environment and our democracy are deeply linked. We know that the people most affected by climate change, pollution, and environmental injustice– predominately communities of color, low-wealth communities, and youth– are the same people who have been historically underrepresented and marginalized in the political process. We know that when elected leaders pick their voters, rather than voters choosing their candidates, democracy is broken. And we know that money in politics largely puts polluters over people.

So to combat climate change, and ensure equitable solutions that protect our land, water, communities, and public health, we need a thriving democracy where voters choose leaders who share their values. To face these challenges, we must elect environmental champions.

Your vote for these candidates helps build a pro-environmental majority at the General Assembly where decisions are made that determine:

  • Where you get your energy
  • Whether polluters are held accountable for polluting your water supply
  • Whether we fund greenspace and parks that are accessible for all North Carolinians
  • Whether the air you breathe is clean,
  • And so much more.

Getting out the vote for climate champions builds political will for the bold policies we need.